The sporadic episodes of thought and feeling, unfiltered, that I am prone to and need to release.



I was planning on posting my ballot today, but that's going to have to wait until tomorrow, it looks like. I simply got caught up in the whirlwind fury of this election night.

I went to Baker Center to watch the results. I didn't really want to sit this out alone, and I really wanted to see how people would react. It seemed an Obama victory was inevitable.

Watching it actually unfold, seeing him amass an impenetrable lead so quickly, was actually kind of shocking to see. I didn't anticipate how it would actually feel. And I completely underestimated how people would react. When CNN announced Obama the winner at 11:00 p.m., the auditorium erupted. Whistles, applause, cheers, hugging, high-fives, crying, chanting. It went on for several minutes. A pure wave of euphoria swept us all away. And the videos were coming in from New York, Chicago, Australia, Kenya! It was like the whole world, in that moment, was united. I never thought I'd see it. Amazing.

I am not ashamed to admit I teared up a little. Never been had I seen anything like that related to politics. Regardless of who you wanted to win, it was a pretty powerful moment. So wow. I hope we build on that.

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