The sporadic episodes of thought and feeling, unfiltered, that I am prone to and need to release.


Again? Really?

Well, yes. Enough of you have asked what happened to the last blog that I've gone and done this. Again.

To answer the common question, VITC is gone because I chose not to pay the renewal fee. It's not that I didn't want to, but I'm cheap. And cheap people make these kind of decisions. I'm also doing this because there's a lot going on right now, and I'm getting tired of telling eight billion people the same story. Inevitably, the story gets shorter and shorter as I retell it. So why not tell it once here?

Losing VITC to history is something I regret at this point. However, the dream I had for it, the vision that led me to make it is not gone. I will bring it back at some point, perhaps in a year or two. I believe in it. I want it to happen.

So what will this be? It's going to be very stream of consciousness. I may talk about my day, I may vent, I may express feelings, I may throw up a poem I wrote. I really don't know, and neither should you. In fact, I hope you come here wondering what to find, be it 2,000 words on a girl smiling at me or my latest lame poem.

I'm attacking this whole writing thing from three fronts at the moment. You should already know about my Speakeasy column (, updated every Wednesday. I will probably link to each week's edition from here as well if you're too lazy/unable to remember to do so yourself. Obviously, I have this.

I'm also branching out with my political/news writing to try and reach a wider audience. I have another column at as well. That will be where I will levy my criticism of news and politics among other things. Out of the three projects, I am most excited about this. In addition to my columns (updated whenever I feel like), you'll find news articles I have flagged as interesting for one reason or another, as well as various Web recommendations. I hope you like it and will check it out. Please tell friends.

Oh, by the way, this is something of a private deal, this here blog. Only people I have given the URL to should be reading this. It means, in general, that I trust you and that nothing I write here is going to damage you or myself. This means my family shouldn't know about this, and the girl shouldn't know about this. I would appreciate if you respected the relative anonymity of this venture.

And always, leave comments. I love them. Even if you think I'm an idiot, and you all do at some point. And thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

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I am who I think I am, I am who you know I am, I am who I want to be, who I was, who I could be, who I can't be. I am.