The sporadic episodes of thought and feeling, unfiltered, that I am prone to and need to release.


El Mago

I have a long-standing fascination with illusions. There's just something alluring about seeing something that isn't really there, or something that distorts reality. I'm not talking about Magic Eyes; those things are stupid. But classic optical illusions? I'm all over it. I'll stare at them for an hour. One of my favorite characters I played in Dungeons & Dragons was a wizard that specialized in illusions. Illusions are powerful; they can change reality itself.

These days, I wonder how much of my life is an illusion and how much of it I've created. Pursuant to the same point, how much of it do I believe? I'm coming to think that quite often I fool myself into believing things are a lot better than they really are. If reality isn't up to snuff, I'll change it to suit my needs. It's fun, but behind the veil, the glamer doesn't exist and the world doesn't react to it. In time, the illusion fails and I'm left seeing a bleaker picture than I thought possible. One that is all too real.

How much of it do I create myself? And if I do, how do I stop it? Do I want to stop it? Is reality that bad, or am I imagining what is false to justify a different kind of fiction? Does this even make sense anymore?

I look around and see everyone else with their roots in strong truth, no need to invent a grinning mask. At the same time, what is my truth? Life itself seems to throw various illusions my way; what I thought was one thing turned out to be something else entirely. Perhaps reality and I have an adversarial relationship. But I don't feel like anyone else has this problem, so who do I talk to about this? All too often, I say, "This would only happen to me." And it seems that too many people agree. Maybe it's all a lie. Maybe I don't know what to believe anymore.

But I have been driving around with the windows down, and I kept one rolled down even though I'm not driving it. It's getting warmer, and that's no illusion.

Now playing: Messiah - You're Going Insane
via FoxyTunes

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I am who I think I am, I am who you know I am, I am who I want to be, who I was, who I could be, who I can't be. I am.