The sporadic episodes of thought and feeling, unfiltered, that I am prone to and need to release.


A New Favorite Thing

Those who know me personally know how much I love my water bottle. I've often said that and my bed are two of my favorite three possessions. When asked what the third is, the common answer was, “I don't know.”

Well, now I know:

That's right, a pair of shoes1. But... these are no ordinary shoes. You can probably tell that by looking at them. The idea is that you feel and walk like you're barefoot without actually having to go barefoot. It's a more natural way to walk and run, and it's a lot healthier. Wearing it feels like a glove on your feet, which is pretty cool. Walking around, I can feel the ground beneath me. And I certainly don't feel restricted like I do when wearing traditional shoes. Not having to worry about blisters on my toes constantly is pretty nice.

Yeah, they look a little goofy, but that's because we're just not used to seeing them. In time, I think they'll look as natural as they feel2. And it's certainly a conversation piece. So yeah... I love them. And I think everyone should try them, provided you don't have special foot needs. They're a revelation.
1 And I'm not even gay!
2 I can't tell you how fun it is to be able to wiggle your toes in shoes.


Tricia Flickinger said...
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Tricia Flickinger said...

They're kind of pricey though if I remember correctly? I looked into them at one point. So will these be your new shoes for games? :)

Monty said...

I paid $75 at the Import House. You can find them online for less. Considering how much I plan on wearing them, it's a good deal.

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I am who I think I am, I am who you know I am, I am who I want to be, who I was, who I could be, who I can't be. I am.