The sporadic episodes of thought and feeling, unfiltered, that I am prone to and need to release.


Organizing the Chaos of My Mind

Anybody who has had a 2-minute conversation with me knows my mind is a labyrinth of thought.  I struggle as much as anyone else to make sense of what's going on up there.  Things pop in and out without any real warning or purpose.  I also love writing in this blog, but I'm not always in the right time or place to write about what's on my mind.  Often, if I don't do it immediately, I'll forget.

At some point, I found that writing down what I later wanted to address here was a good way of putting my thoughts on layaway.  Problem is, I'm really bad at not getting back to things I put off for another time.  As a result, I have several Post-It notes with writing ideas scribbled on them.  A few have been crossed out because I actually did write on the topic, but for the most part, it's a growing list.  I feel like a hapless bureaucrat of myself, the inbox of work mounting with precious few making it to the outbox.

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I am who I think I am, I am who you know I am, I am who I want to be, who I was, who I could be, who I can't be. I am.