The sporadic episodes of thought and feeling, unfiltered, that I am prone to and need to release.


My Shiny Dome Reigns Yet

I was informed today that it snowed 3-5 inches back home. As ever, I'm glad I'm in Athens. I can still see the green grass here.

So Carolyn came to me the other night and told me the reason she was curt with me was because she was trying to concentrate on the economics paper and my attempts at conversation were annoying her. She said she would've reacted that way to anyone... but she could've just told me to stop talking. But whatever. It is what it is. Then last night, I try to make a joke and she completely takes it seriously and rubs her the total wrong way. Oy. Sometimes, I can't win. But I keep telling myself I'm not going to let her keep me from doing my thing. I spend too much time worrying over this girl. Yes, I have a ridiculous, intense liking for her, but whatever resolution that is going to come will not for quite some time. I need to learn grace and patience in the matter. I still think that in the end, we'll be together. I just need to stop thinking it's going to happen tomorrow or today. I need to relax.

On a much happier note, basketball season is breathing down my neck like some creepy homeless guy desiring my ice cream. We have our exhibition tomorrow, and for the first time in my student career, we have actual regular season home games during fall quarter! I can't explain how exciting that is. I used to have to wait until January to get my Convo on. Not this year! And have I mentioned I get to lead the scoreboard chant this year? Oh yes. It will be a wonderful season. Basketball is a perfect thing to allow me to forget about things that actually matter. Here's to the bread!

Random: In an interview, President Bush called it "The Google."

I need to get some reading in the Malcom X biography out of the way this weekend. It has to be read for my history final. Good times. And I should have a couple new things up on Newsvine this weekend as well, if things go to plan. But for now, I'm hungry.

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I am who I think I am, I am who you know I am, I am who I want to be, who I was, who I could be, who I can't be. I am.